Trois Histoires Pour Enfants
Tilim-Bom (1917)
Tilim-bom, tilim-bom,
Nanny goat's house is burning!
Nanny jumps out,
Her eyes all bugged out,
Wags her stumpy little tail,
And calls everyone to help.
Pussy rings the bell
To tell everyone to come to the fire.
Tilim-bom, tilim-bom,
Save nanny's house!
Henny runs with a bucket
To pour water over the house.
And after her comes Mister Cock
With the golden crest,
Carrying a ladder
And singing a song:
Tilim-bom, tilim-bom,
We will put out her house!
All the people jump out,
Their eyes bugged out,
And shaking their heads
They run to help the nanny.
People ring the bell
And order others to follow.
Tilim-bom, tilim-bom,
Pour some water over her house!
Now nanny and pussy and henny
And cock-a-doodle-doo
All sit on the grass in a row
And sing with loud voices:
Tilim-bom, tilim-bom,
We have put out the fire at nanny's house!
Geese, Swans (1917)
Geese and swans were flying,
To a beautiful field they flew,
In the field they built a bathtub.
The sparrow cut the wood,
The cockroach heated the bath,
Mousey carried the water,
And the louse steamed herself and relaxed.
White worms caught the louse
And threw her onto the mat.
A grey flea ran up
(Though its little foot was broken)
The Bear's Little Song (1915)
Squeak, leg! Squeak, wooden one!
The water and the earth are asleep,
Only the old woman doesn't sleep;
My wool she's spinning, my meat she's boiling,
My skin she's drying.
Squeak, leg! Squeak, woode
— Traditional