

Damunt de tu nomes les flors


Damunt de tu nomes les flors

Eren com una ofrena blanca:

La llum que daven al teu cos

Mai més seria de la branca:


Tota una vida de parfum

Amb el seu bes t’era donada

Tu resplendies de la llum

per l’es guard clos atresorada


Si hagués pogut ésser sospir

de flor! Donar-me, com un llir,

a tu, perqué la meva vida

s’anés marcint sobre el teu pit

I no saber mai més la nit,

Que al teu costat fóra esvaïda.


— Josep Janés





Only flowers over you


Above you there were only flowers.

They were like a white offering:

the glow they threw in your body

will never again belong to the branch;


They gave you a whole life of perfume

with their kisses.

You were resplendent in the light

kept as a treasure by your closed eyes.


If only I could have been the sigh

of a flower! I would offer myself, as a lily,

to you, so that my life

would wither over your breast,

and no longer know the night

that, next to you, has vanished.